"Egg prices are down 29%, chicken prices are up 14%". Makes me ponder wether the chicken-egg-problem ("which one came first?") also is valid regarding their price RoC. I would say: The chicken is first in line, eggs prices rise again (in a factor of 1/365 to the chicken, that lay one egg/day) and the plebs are supposed to not eat meat anymore and all go vegan...
The last paragraph cracks me up. you are as funny as as usual, Shrub. but the question is will gold miners price catch up, given their horrible business model and skyrocketing cost? i mean other miners are already showing great strength, : Copper, Silver, Iron ore
"Egg prices are down 29%, chicken prices are up 14%". Makes me ponder wether the chicken-egg-problem ("which one came first?") also is valid regarding their price RoC. I would say: The chicken is first in line, eggs prices rise again (in a factor of 1/365 to the chicken, that lay one egg/day) and the plebs are supposed to not eat meat anymore and all go vegan...
Unwanted side effect of letting all chicken live and roam freely: Grain prices rise...
Ah, wait: Plebs going vegan solves the whole problem from both ends anyways - neither chicken nor eggs needed anyways... 😆
Forward Bidence needs more virality imho 🤣🤣🤣
I am stealing the cover meme bro 😃
It’s just too good
The last paragraph cracks me up. you are as funny as as usual, Shrub. but the question is will gold miners price catch up, given their horrible business model and skyrocketing cost? i mean other miners are already showing great strength, : Copper, Silver, Iron ore