Reminiscences of a Shrub Operator
Fly on the Wall with Shrub & Cloudbear
Fly on the Wall with a Cloudbear and a Shrub

Paid episode

The full episode is only available to paid subscribers of Reminiscences of a Shrub Operator

Fly on the Wall with a Cloudbear and a Shrub

Catching up with my buddy Paulo

Given the recent Market events, I really wanted to catch up with my buddy

. We discussed FX, Platinum, Silver, Copper and Ags!

Obviously, none of this is investment advice, it’s all parody, this is a shrub and a cloudbear talking, c’mon, don’t be stupid!

This post is for paid subscribers

Reminiscences of a Shrub Operator
Fly on the Wall with Shrub & Cloudbear
My buddy Paulo and I catching up on the markets