🕊️ wif 🎩 ?

What a world.

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In an election cycle, is the Fed geared to help the incumbent on autopilot? Jay is a Republican..

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But yeah he’s lost control which is sad but how I’m positioned for now short the long end and the still some hedges on the Nasdaq vs my longs

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Yes FCI are tighter. Employment supply and demand coming in better balance. Don’t ignore it. FCI in feds view is multitude of factors not just 10 year yld. They have a better and holistic view

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if he says inflation will be down 5 times in the same sentence it will be down :). Your post mortem is spot on and for now we party on I guess.

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One possible correction I think any runoff or slowdown in QT would come from rundown in the amount of bills so the bonds for sale wouldn’t change

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