I can’t remember the first time I said “We Give Thanks” after booking a winning trade. It was probably after an option punt that worked out nicely. I just don’t remember. But it felt right. I kept going with it. I’m glad others joined in too. It’s contagious. In a good way.
“Giving Thanks” is one of the most important lessons I picked up since getting involved in this wonderful game.
You see, the Market doesn’t owe you anything.
She doesn’t care if you went to a Top University and worked hard for your seat. She doesn’t care if you had a tough upbringing and you believe that society owes you something. She doesn’t care if you had a bad day or a bad year…
The Market doesn’t owe you anything…
…so when she does give you something, in her benevolence, you’d better Give Thanks. After all, the Market Giveth, the Market Taketh…
This is a great lesson in Risk Management, if there ever was one…
Greed and Arrogance can lead to Ruin…Greed and Arrogance are fed by Ingratitude…Ingratitude is amplified when you believe that the profits are yours, when the profits were never yours to begin with...
The Market doesn’t owe you anything…
…so when she does give you something, you’d better Give Thanks.
I, for one, am grateful that you are here.
I Give You Thanks.
Dear Shrubbery, who art in hedging, thank you for thine recent timely and masterful Shrubstacks on EL, Russell, nVidia and Yen. They hath printed our bread daily. Forgive us our retardation, as we forgive those who retard against us. Lead us not into shitcos, but deliver us from FOMO. For thoughest are the stonks, the options, and the memes. For ever and ever until expiry. Amen!
Without doubt the most important post you’ve made so far Shrub, thank you 🌳🙏