If that’s not the catchiest title of a Shrubstack I don’t know what is. At least I managed to insert a tribute to Akira Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball. I used to watch it every Saturday lunchtime, because it was the only thing on TV. Good times.
This is a follow-up from yesterday’s “Blood Sacrifice” piece, which also combines the previous work we did on Tamagotchis, so I hope you were paying attention.
To Recap:
The Chinese Tamagotchi has this simple reaction function:
HSI < 15,000 = ACT i.e. if the HSI Index dips below 15,000 then act to prop it up
The Japanese Tamagotchi has this simple reaction function:
JPY > 150 = ACT i.e. if the JPY climbs above 150 then act to strengthen it
Lets see how the Tamagotchis have performed in their respective mandates: