I have finally realized when to sound the Max Stupid Red Alert…
From all the stupid things we see around us, the ultimate sign of Max Stupid should be when sane and sensible people give up and join the “party”: be it FOMO to buy NVDA, be it long Pepe Coin or Retardio Coin, be it long <name your ponzi>.
That should’ve been obvious to me, but it only became apparent after I bet my lunch money on NVDA $1000 calls so that I also get to wear the “NVDA $1000” hat with the rest of the monkeys (does this make me a monkey???). The calls tripled in a few days, and I would have normally sold by then, but I really wanted that hat. So I held on until Friday’s sell-off and ended up selling the calls for “only” a 50% gain. “Max Stupid” nearly got me, but at least I walked away with a small profit that will pay for my next lunch :/
So keep an eye out for your loved ones.
Do they exhibit Max Stupid behavior?
Even more important.
Do YOU exhibit Max Stupid behavior?
It’s quite a simple test really. Just see the best performing items of your portfolio and maybe the answer lies there!
Don’t get me wrong.
I have NO problem whatsoever buying stupid stuff.
I have a problem giving away the P&L!